Monday, April 22, 2013

In Response to My Recent Post

     I got back from vacation yesterday and was looking over my blog posts when I saw the last post... a web of lies woven by some nasty cat. I just would like to mention that the photos of dogs posted were not hideous. Especially me, I'm cute. Duh, have you not seen me! I would also like to say that unlike the hateful cat who posted the blog I will not say that the cats are ugly because it's not what on the outside that counts (though being adorable like me can help to get some extra food *wink* *wink*) it is what's on the inside that counts, so yes I still have an instinctual hatred of those cats but it's because they're cats not because of how they look, I'm above that kind of thing, cause I'm a dog, and dogs are better than cats, dogs are more mature than cats, dogs don't poop in a box, dogs have a greater IQ than cats, and you know what, dogs don't spend their days following the sun around, we pick a spot to sleep and stick to it!
     Now the dignified dog that I am I won't continue on this rant about cats (at this point in time) but I'm warning you cats, if one of you hacks my blog again you shall pay, I am twenty seven pounds of pure furry!

Monday, April 15, 2013

I Am a Total Idiot

Hi. Holly here. Today I realized that I am a TOTAL IDIOT. I am the dumbest dog ever. My species is stupid and pointless, and ugly. This is one of the ugliest dogs I have seen:

Here is another ugly dog:

another pretty uggs one.

And the ugliest one of all:
 Isn't that just hideous? A despicable freak of nature that should be disposed of right this second. These ugly creatures should never be able to see the light of day without constantly being mocked by pigeons and frogs. 
 However, here are the cutest things ever known to cat, uhm, dog. I meant dog. yeah.
Good day to you sir, good day.

Hacked by a cat. BURN.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

West Highland Story

Holly here, recently my lovely overseers discovered a breed of dog called the West Highland Terrier, who brilliantly decided to nickname themselves the “Westies” genius. Oh hey I’m an Eastie, or a Southie even a Northie, purebreds *cough* snobs *cough* are a pretty entitled bunch to come up with a nickname for their breeds, well two can play at that game. You know today I feel like naming my own (unique may I add) breed after myself, let’s see using Westie logic my breed would called the…Holl-ie…hmm… well I’ve gotten far off topic anyway the point I originally was trying to make is since these beastly cotton balls have come into my caretakers lives there has been nonstop talk about the dust bunnies. “Oh my gosh Westies are so cute!” gag. “Westies are my dream dog!” Hello? “Let’s kill Holly so we can get a Westie! *evil cackling*” Well okay so that one didn’t happen but it could you never know what could happen, these wolves in sheep’s clothing are deluding my owners minds!

I suppose I’m not being entirely fair, after all West Highlands are dogs, they are my kind and it’s not like they personally brainwashed my wardens (Though I’m warning you pooches if you did prepare for my wrath!) in the end really it’s my owners fault for succumbing to the cuteness, you know I thought that they were smarter than this, I thought they would realize that the depth of a dogs character is not defined by the length of their fur. Apparently not. You may find it juvenile that such an obsession would affect me in such a way but as I pass the age of eight I find it hard not to be envious of attention being given in such discriminate ways, I’m getting a gray snout you know. I don’t ask for much, but the undivided love of my owners would be nice. I’m not saying they have to look over me 24/7 (how would I write this blog?) but if they have to fawn over fluff balls could they at least have the courtesy to wait until I’m on a walk? Well that’s enough ranting for now, time to get some reading done, my new issue of Owners Monthly came in and this one’s special! Top 25 Owners to Replace Your Own With!

Monday, April 1, 2013

The 5 Steps to Happiness

 1: .....
 2: Don't be April fooled.
 3: You fell for it!
 4: Didn't you?
 5: I don't have a step 5 but I do have a story of my past April fools pranks. A few years ago, back in my puppy-hood I was quite the prankster and boy did I get my master good! I remember my best prank... it was 2008 I believe and my master was off at work when the rest of my family decided they would release my awesome pranking skills out on my master when he returned from work.
     It took intense planning, I think we spent about ten minutes! Which, if you consider my 15 second attention span it was brutal. But it was all worth it when he came home from work and opened the closet to hang up his suit and out popped yours truly, he gave a satisfying jump and headed towards the bathroom. This is when the perfectly executed timing came in. We had emptied the toilet paper roll so he would have to go in the cabinet underneath the sink for a new one and by the time he reached the bathroom I was positioned in the cabinet. Now that gave him a true shock, hew wasn't expecting another prank and he couldn't comprehend how I had made it to bathroom before him. We just told him that it was my twin sister Abigail underneath the sink but how I really got there will remain my little secret. ;)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

     I'm sure everyone has been told a variation of the Easter story in some amount of depth or another. Well I'm putting off my ranting for a day to tell you the Easter story that I was taught as a puppy.
     A long, long time ago there was a man who could do amazing miracles a local border collie saw these miracles and thought that maybe this man could heal his sick puppies. As the border collie traveled home to get the puppies he overheard people plotting to kill Jesus, they didn't like that he could perform miracles and that people were following him. Shocked the border collie knew he must find Jesus and warn him. By the time he found Jesus and the 12 disciples again the sun was setting and they had all sat down for supper, the border collie ran up to Jesus and started whimpering and barking, doing all he could to warn him. Jesus started stroking the dog and told him that it was okay, then in a whisper that only the highly trained dog ears could hear he said "I already know, it is what I have to do" the border collie didn't quite understand but he trusted Jesus. Then with a scratch between his ears Jesus told the collie to bring his puppies and they would be healed.
     The dog cocked his head in a nod and started to leave, when he got outside he went around back to do his business and when he came back around he saw one of the disciples giving Jesus a kiss on his cheek.
     The trip was long but the dog ran fast. The border collie and his wife gathered the pups into a basket and carried them back to where Jesus and the disciples had been eating, but they weren't there.
        "If you're looking for Jesus, he isn't here. The guards took him," A little old lady said sadly.
     In a rush they traveled to where he was being kept. When they found Jesus he healed the sick pups and the parents were very thankful. The border collie wished he could do something to thank him for saving his puppies but guards came and shooed them away as they took Jesus.
     On their way home the dogs saw Jesus walking down the street carrying a cross, it looked heavy and he looked tired. The dog knew what he had to do thank him! He ran into the street and hefted the end of the cross unto his back and carried it the rest of the way.

Friday, March 29, 2013

I Am a Dog. Not a Doll.

Hi guys. Today I want to talk about a kind of treatment my humans sometimes give me. Uncomfortable, and awkward, but not painful. Usually. But anyway, they treat me like a doll. It's like they forget I'm alive sometimes and think that I'm just a stuffed animal. 
This is me when they decided my golden fur wasn't good enough

Here I am sporting the Christmas ornaments, every dog's dream.
Oh look, I'm wearing my boy's old pajamas. Fun.

And finally here I am... as a lamb. Okay so this one's photo-shopped but you get the point.
How is that fair?
I shouldn't be treated like a doll. Does this happen to any other dogs? Do any other dogs get dressed up in costumes?Am I the only one going through this?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I AM Self Aware

Hey, Holly here again, and a few days ago, I heard my owners talking about how they feel bad for me because I'm not self aware. I mean, seriously?!!?!?!

 I write a blog! I'm a dog! I AM Self Aware!! Wait, wait. Did I just call them my owners? They even have me saying it now!!!!!! I"m a living, breathing creature!! They can't own me! Wasn't there a war about people owning other people? Why not dogs? Can't we have equal rights, too? I say this. Start a new country. A country of dogs. That might provoke a new war. One that would get dogs equal rights when we win. I say this, but I don't intend to get off of my computer and do it. I'm too scared. Plus, I like living. Someone has to be the Commander in Chief, am I right? I can get you guys some Nerf guns, I think we might have some in the attic. Although I don't know how you would hold them. Or fire them...

Feedback is Welcome!
 If you're willing to join my army, sign up for the draft in the comments section below!