Thursday, March 21, 2013

This is FARTA!

       Hi, Holly, here to talk to you again about living a dog's life and the injustices that come with. Today I want to talk to you about...FARTING! (Imagine I'm saying this in a thick German accent (just for the lolz))
       If you're a dog or you own a dog or you live near a person that owns a dog or your couzins, little sisters',best friends', principle owns a dog you've probably heard this; "Oh what's that smell?" "Eww the dog farted!" or "The dog did it" (or some other variation). Believe me if these little lips of mine could produce more sounds than woof I would scream at whoever utters these words with so much passion "WHO SMELT IT DEALT IT!" because let's be honest here have you ever actually seen a dog fart? If your answer was no, ding, ding, ding you're correct! If your answer was yes, You. Are. Feeding. It. The. Wrong. Food. Now, I'm glad that's cleared up :)

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