Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Problem with Poop Equality

          Hi, Holly, here, and this is my first Blog post. It took me a long time to get ready for this, because I had to pay someone to make me a custom dog keyboard, and learn not to type like; lj;afh;dskjfasd;fahjsdk.
          Today, I will be writing about The Problem with Poop Equality. Like, last week they caught me drinking out of the Porcelain Pond and you know what I got scolded, um excuse me? Can I not drink from where you leave your presents? Cause you know what I've been noticing? When we're on walks you pick up my poop and put in a bag for later. I get it, double standard -_- Seriously? Do you not see The Problem with Poop Equality? you know what? I'm going to start a petition, do you not see the wrongful behavior here that needs to be changed?
          To all the dogs across the world! We will make a stand, every Tuesday when your Master is doing their business I want you to walk in on them and stare them down like they do to you. You can try to bag their poo for later like they do to us but be warned it may result in scolding and solitary confinement in The Naughty Box.


  1. I love this!! So cute!!! Keep up the good work, Holly! Is there a way I could subscribe? Because I'm new to Blogger ;)

    1. Thanks!! I've been planning this blog for a while, and I really had fun making it! Reflecting on unfairness is fun!!! And to subscribe, you go to your Dashboard, and look for the sentence "Reading List" and under that, there will be something that says "Add" click on that, and then add the URL of this blog to it!
